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Friday Color Challenge
Today's Friday Color Challenge is a beautiful summer sidewalk photo with beautiful daisies and lavender and lush green trees. I am in the process of putting together a summer sidewalk kit to share with you all and will post that momentarily. I'm in the midst of organizing and getting caught up on season 4 of Ugly Betty (which I've missed watching terribly) so who knows ... we might even get a few tacky flowers and Ugly Betty fashion in the kit - one never knows with 'my creative muse'!
Freedom Timeline Covers
For those of you in the United States who will be celebrating the 4th of July on Wednesday, a few free timeline covers to share with you! Just click to download the full-size version for Facebook.
Celebrate the 4th of July with a Huge Sale and Freebie!
Are you a newsletter subscriber? You should be! I have a huge tagger size kit (personal use only) available for newsletter subscribers exclusively! In addition, we are hosting a 75% OFF everything in the store sale now through July 7, 2012. You must be subscribed to the newsletter though to receive the discount - and it only takes a moment! Don't forget that we offer a convenient layaway plan as well - break up your payments into 2, 3, 4, or 6 payments - whatever works into your budget!
Instagram-Like Border Script Freebie
My daughter has an iPhone with the Instagram App and I love the border that it puts around her photos - so I decided to see if I could replicate it and make a script with it today. I've tried it out on several different sizes and, while the script will work on most any size photo - it works best on those that are 2000px wide or less.
Friday Color Challenge
I know - I'm late with the Friday Color Challenge but its all Mother Nature's fault! We've been dealing with some wicked thunderstorms this week here in Virginia. We've had high winds, hail, tornadoes, torrential rains, thunder and lightening - all I can say is I think Mother Nature is a bit peeved at Virginia LOL! News reports yesterday (before last night's storm that knocked power out for approximately 8 hours at our place) said that over 2 million people in Virginia were without power and that the Governor had declared a state of emergency after Friday's storm. Yeah, it's been that bad.